Consider me “Alexa” for all your real estate needs!
A REALTOR® is so much more than an agent…they are a person you know, trust and rely on to make the most important investment decision of your life. I earned my Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Virginia and moved shortly thereafter to Myrtle Beach, SC. With previous real estate education and experience, I entered the industry with a lifetime of passion.
I help others follow their dreams. Whether it is to become a homeowner, find a larger home for your growing family, downsize to a smaller home for retirement, move to the beach or for investments; I want to know how I can help you or someone you know follow those dreams.
I also want you to know I have a list of reputable professionals that can help with financing, refinancing, and even home projects. Consider me “Alexa” in your real estate/homeownership contacts for contacts. Heck, I even know all the great spots to eat in the Greater Myrtle Beach Area!